Sunday, September 19, 2010

"Mackenzie and all her activities"

Well Mackenzie started school and is loving it! She loves her teacher and says, "mommy I want to go to school 7 days a week!" The child cracks me up. She has learned to swing all by herself with no assistance. Thanks to school. She loves the kids in her class 3 of them are on her soccer team, which she is loving soccer!!! It is so fun to watch them. SO she is going to school 5 days a week and she wakes up at 6:30 saying is it school today. So on Mondays not only school she has dance and Tuesday's soccer practice and Saturday's are her soccer games and Sunday of course Church...and she loves her mama and daddy teaching her class.

I can only imagine as Kendall gets older how busy we really will be. And she is doing super. She has almost 6 teeth now and is running everywhere her sister is. She is starting to color. She says lot of things. Some of my favorites...she raises her hands up and says, "Up" and put them down and says, "down" and if I say you want to go night night she goes straight to the stairs. And when I say, want to get a bath she crawls up the stairs and goes straight to the bathroom. She knows several colors and loves books just like her sister does. She is so cute I must say, these girls are such a joy and I thank God everyday for them. And I do think about how blessed I am to be able to be home with them everyday...but I do miss my friends from work and just seeing them everyday. That was such a great part of my life and I had the best job!! Watching these girls grow up is mind boggling. Time really just flies and I feel there is not enough time in the day.

Mackenzie being in school is really just a review for now she can write her name, she knows all her abc's and can write most of them. Knows shapes and numbers and even knows her phone number and daddys cell and gigi's number. She amazes me everyday and how she says, "mommy if you fall down the stair's I will call 911 for emergency!" LOL and I really think she would. And I recently started watching this sweet 2 year old girl on tuesdays and thursdays so her mom can go to school. It was the funniest thing Mackenzie said last week on the way to school, "mommy does peighton speak English?" Peighton has a soft voice and is learning. so then Mackenzie says look Peighton red trees! LOL so funny. I prepare the cup but the Lord is filling it and I am so thankful and grateful for all these wonderful people in my life. And these new people I am meeting.

Friday, September 3, 2010

"Our lil flower girl"

I was so proud of her. She was not scared at all. And Kendall did great as well. Thanks to my mom for always being a great help! I love you mom!!
